Nemzetközi szolidaritás a magyar hajléktalan emberekkel

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london_kicsi.jpgAláírásgyűjtés Londonban

On Saturday, 28th of September, Social Work Action Network London (SWAN London) organised an event at the Apsley Arch at Hyde Park Corner, London in order to express international solidarity in the fight against the criminalisation of homeless people in Hungary. The event was organised in response to a call by A Varos Mindenkie (City is for All) initiative from Budapest. On Monday, 30th of September, the Hungarian Parliament is to debate the modification of the Penal Code that intends to define street homelessness as infraction punishable by fine, community service or jail (for „repeat offenders”).

These changes are planned despite the fact that, in November 2012, Hungarian Constitutional Court struck down a law that criminalised street homelessness, arguing that the state should address homelessness as a social and not a criminal issue. In order to raise awareness of these issues and gather signatures to be passed on to the Hungarian Ministry of Interior, SWAN London passed on information about the proposed actions by the Hungarian Government and gathered support against the debate and for full withdrawal of the proposed changes.

We hope that the Hungarian-based and international pressure will result in the planned changes being abandoned. In parallel, the SWAN Steering Committee also send their opposition to the planned changes to the Hungarian Government.

kolozsvar_kicsi.jpgTüntetés Kolozsváron

Eşti om al străzii? Eşti infractor.

Asta au decis, prin lege, autorităţile maghiare pentru statul pe care-l reprezintă. Oficial, Ungaria este acum ţara în care a locui pe stradă înseamnă garanţia închisorii. În oricare oraş pot exista, conform acestei legi, zone „homeless-free”. Cu alte cuvinte, oamenii străzii sunt legal consideraţi paraziţi nedoriţi pentru liniştea oraşului.
Criminalizarea oamenilor străzii este criminalizarea sărăciei. În prevederile abuzive ale acestei legi care interzice locuirea în spaţiul public, adăposturile improvizate de familii sau persoane sărace sunt şi ele sancţionate prin închisoare. Practic, indiferent că este marginea oraşului, pe un teren public, e interzis să construieşti orice fel de locuinţă, fie ea provizorie sau nu.

Miklós Fekete-Nagy, un activist homeless din Ungaria, spune că legea asta îi transformă, pe el şi pe zecile de mii de prieteni cu care împarte strada, în exilaţi în ţara natală. Zsolt Csizi, un om care locuieşte într-o baracă, spune despre căminul lui că era menit să-i ofere inimitate într-un loc independent de supraaglomeratele adăposturi pentru oamenii străzii.

În toată Europa se produce un fenomen represiv care violează drepturile unor persoane vulnerabile. Autorităţi locale din tot mai multe colţuri europene aplică sancţiuni pentru a criminaliza lupta oamenilor străzii pentru supravieţuire (legi anti-cerşetorie, interdicţii dure privind dormitul pe stradă, interzicerea căutării în gunoaie, forţarea oamenilor să se ducă mereu în altă parte, etc). Odată sancţionate, persoanelor fără adăpost le este aproape imposibil sau chiar imposibil să aibă acces la justiţie. De multe ori, nu sunt conştienţi de drepturile pe care le au sau de posibile contestări în instanţă. În multe cazuri, însă, aceste posibilităţi lipsesc chiar din lege.

Criminalizarea oamenilor străzii este o crimă fără graniţe.

Hai luni, 7 octombrie, în faţa Consulatului Maghiar din Cluj-Napoca, la ora 15:00, pentru o acţiune paşnică de solidaritate cu oamenii străzii din Ungaria şi de peste tot. Vino cu propriul mesaj şi arată-l reprezentanţilor Ungariei ce crezi despre legea lor.

P.S: Strada e a noastră!

Még több fotó itt.

praga_kicsi.jpgTüntetés Prágában

Nechte nás vyspat: stop kriminalizaci bezdomovectví v Evropě!

Protestní průvod s happeningem na podporu (nejen) maďarských lidí bez domova.

V našich městech se nachází mnoho nevyužitých domů, mnoho prázdných ložnic. Lidé v krajní nouzi jsou přesto nuceni stlát si denně na ulici. Vykázat je z města či poslat do „sběrných táborů” je nepřijatelné řešení. V Maďarsku byl před několika dny schválen zákon, který umožňuje městu vytvořit zóny bez bezdomovců. K podobným pokusům dochází i u nás. Lidi ale škrtnout nelze. Pojďme vyjádřit svůj nesouhlas. Ustelme si před Maďarskou ambasádou!

Még több fotó itt.

thailand_kicsi.jpgTüntetés Thaiföldön

Four Regions Slum Network (FRSN) held its World Habitat Day 2013 mobilization in Bangkok yesterday with around 1,500 members marching and demonstrating at the Bangkok City Hall, the Ministry of Transportation, the UN ESCAP Building, and the Prime Minister’s Office. One of the signs they held during their march and planted in front of the UN ESCAP Building (this building basically serves as the UN office for the region) when they stopped to issue a statement there criticizing the UN for its lack of action in addressing the housing rights issue was a sign they wrote to express solidarity with the homeless in Hungary.







koldusok_kicsi.jpgFrancesco Format bez F lengyel művész levele az Országgyűlési képviselőknek:

Dear Parliamentarians of Hungary (Open Letter)

I write to You in cause law against homeless people. I write to all parliamentarians, but especially to parliamentarians, who support this law.
I’am artist from Poland (street art, happening, poetry). Recently I worked in Budapest. My street art action called „A hatalom gonosz” (Authority [Power] is evil). Because I think, that Authority is evil. Especially, when discriminates weak people, when hurts human. Power corrupts. So, I’m skeptical to Power. If I had the Power, I would be corrupted. The temptation to banish enemies (also politicians) is big.

With Authority we can’t talk. We must listen Authority. But I’m naive and I scream in name of weak, homeless and stranger people: „NO”. They are no worse than You. In my opinion, they are better than You.

I think, you will ask „Why Pole does he interfere in our business”. Because our nations connects long friendship. „Pole and Hungarian two good friends” (Lengyel, magyar — két jó barát). And my friends are also (or especially) weak, homeless and ostracized Hungarians. And I must scream in name of law of their.

I’m not Christian but I’m scared that people, who talks about Christian values, support law, which is contrary to The Evangelion. I think that in name of new law Jesus and his apostles can go to the prison. They were homeless, poor and weak.

So I send to You my collage, which reminds important words of Jesus. You forgot about this, although You like to be pride from Christian heritage.

I don’t know if this letter can change something. Maybe You will be angry. Maybe you will think about it.
But You know, that exist people, who are against law like this, and who will talk about it loud.

Szeretetel üdvözlöm

Francesco Format bez F

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Levelek Pintér Sándornak

A Város Mindenkié kérésére több, mint 50 levelet küldtek Pintér Sándornak szerte a világból, arra kérve őt, hogy vonja vissza a szabálysértési törvény módosítására vonatkozó javaslatát.

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